Saturday, February 9, 2008

Acquire the Fire Deadline Extended


I recently had the privilege of spending time with the National Director for Acquire the Fire. Kamel Glasgow, a fellow Canadian, shared much of his heart and his hopes for this year's event. I'm excited and am trusting God for an impactful event. To make sure that many youth and their friends join us I've extended the deadline to this Wednesday. All of our friends who attended the Monster Lock-In were also invited to ATF--with a discount! It would be awesome if they were personally invited as well.

Note to Parents:

We will need at least six mini-vans to drive students to and from Target Center Friday (5:30 and 10:00pm) and Saturday (8:00am and 10:00pm). We'll also need folks to help with breakfast on Saturday. Please let me know what you can do.

Note to Parents of Sixth Graders:

Let me clarify what I mean when I say that the content of ATF is geared to older youth. Acquire the Fire deals with many of the issues that today's teens face. I am becoming more aware of the pressures our sixth grader faces. I believe ATF is one tool to help Christian kids answer the challenges they face, especially those facing negative peer pressure. There is something powerful for a Christian kid to be part of a worship event where they know they are not alone. In the end, it is a parents call.

With every blessing,

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